Description Display User’s Github Starred Repositories.
(str): the Github user name to look forn
(num): the number of the last starred repositories. Defaults to 5 in which case it will return the last 5 starred repositories. Note that if the onlyR
parameter is set to TRUE, you might get a lower number of starred repos due to filtering R from all the other languages.onlyR
(lgl): whether to fetch only R repositories, Default to FALSEExample
display_starred('hadley', n = 20, onlyR = FALSE)
[1] "r-dbi/bigrquery"
[2] "chrk623/dataAnim"
[3] "allisonhorst/stats-illustrations"
[4] "hadley/mastering-shiny"
[5] "hadley/lazyeval"
[6] "thomasp85/particles"
[7] "tidyverse/dplyr"
[8] "rudeboybert/fivethirtyeight"
[9] "jennybc/googlesheets"
[10] "thomasp85/gganimate"
[11] "thomasp85/ggraph"
[12] "marcandrysco/Errol"
[13] "eddelbuettel/rcppcctz"
[14] "google/cctz"
[15] "shinyTree/shinyTree"
[16] "WizardMac/ReadStat"
[17] "hadley/r2d3"
[18] "hadley/appdirs"
[19] "r-lib/pkgdown"
[20] "klutometis/reasoned-schemer"
Description Display the most starred R Github Repositories
(str): the Github user name to look forn
(num): the number of most starred Github R repositories to fetch. Defaults to 10.Example
batata::display_most_starred(n = 10)
[1] "tidyverse/ggplot2"
[2] "qinwf/awesome-R"
[3] "rstudio/shiny"
[4] "tidyverse/dplyr"
[5] "swirldev/swirl_courses"
[6] "johnmyleswhite/ML_for_Hackers"
[7] "twitter/AnomalyDetection"
[8] "hadley/r4ds"
[9] "rstudio/bookdown"
[10] "briatte/awesome-network-analysis"
Description Installs the latest CRAN-available R packages starred on Github.
(str): the Github user name to look forn
(num): the last n
starred repositories. Defaults to 5, in which case the function will look for the last 5 starred repositories, filter R from non-R repos and install them if available on CRAN.Example The following code chunk will look at the last 10 repositories that I have starred, filter out R repositories, and install them if available on CRAN:
# my Github user name is 'feddelegrand7'
install_starred_cran(github_user = 'feddelegrand7', n = 10)
Note that if the starred repo is not available on CRAN, install_starred_cran()
will simply ignore it.
Description install_starred_github()
behaves the same way as install_starred_cran()
except that it will install the repositories from Github (not from CRAN), so that you can install packages that are not available on CRAN.
(str): the Github user name to look forn
(num): the last n
starred repositories. Defaults to 5, in which case the function will look for the last 5 starred repositories, filter R from non-R repos and install themupgrade
(str): whether to upgrade or not out of date packages. You can choose from ‘always’ or ‘never’. Defaults to ‘never’. For more info, see install_github()
from the remote
package.Example The following code chunk will look at the last five repositories that I have starred, extract R repositories (in case some starred repositories belong to another programming language) and install them:
install_starred_github(github_user = 'feddelegrand7',
n = 5,
upgrade = "never")
Description Allows you the install the most starred CRAN packages that are available on Github. It takes one argument n
which specifies the number of the most starred R packages (in descending order) that one wants to install.
: the number of most starred CRAN packages (in descending order). Defaults to 10, in which case the function will look at the 10 most starred R repositories and install them if available on CRAN.Example The following code chunk will look for the 10 most starred R repositories and will install them if available on CRAN. Of course, it will ignore R repositories that are not packages, (e.g R4DS repo):
install_most_starred(n = 10)